This week I'm hosting three events. Two are online, one is in London. Here they are, in reverse chronological order (since the last one requires you to book):
On Saturday, 17 September, I am hosting a Interintellect SuperSalon on Zoom with author and professor of philosophy Edward Slingerland, about his new book Drunk: How We Sipped, Danced, and Stumbled Our Way to Civilization (2021), which is a history of alcohol (and other intoxicants) over the course of human history.
I hosted a converation in London with Slingerland last month; *I loved his book, and I recorded a video review of his book. You can read more about the book here.
We would love for you to join us on Saturday. You can buy tickets to the event here; these will include a copy of the book’s introduction which we will discuss. If the price of the ticket is an issue for you, please email me.

On Wednesday, 14 September, if you’re in London, I am hosting an in-person book club with author Matthew Green, about his new book Shadowlands: A Journey through Lost Britain (2022). I’m reading the book now and can highly recommend it.
Details here, and you can just turn up.
Finally, tomorrow, 13 September, I’m hosting a Twitter space (audio only) at 8pm London time, on the first sectionn of a paper by the philosopher WVO Quine. This will be a discussion with Saliem Chiu and we will be joined by professor of philosophy Bryan W. Van Norden.
Quine's 1951 paper "Two Dogmas of Empiricism" (PDF) is "sometimes regarded as the most important in all of twentieth-century philosophy" (according to Peter Godfrey-Smith). Quine bridges the gap between analytic attempts to ground mathematics and philosophy in logic, and newer pragmatist approaches.
My work
The Quine conversation will be recorded and will be released on my podcast, Clerestory, where I’ve also released a conversation about philosophy which I had in January.
In August I was interviewed by Eyal Shay on the Deep Dive podcast, which you can listen to here. This podcast is one of the more comprehensive descriptions of where I am with my work.
I have also started a YouTube channel and a Twitch channel, where I am drafting video lectures. You can also schedule a conversation with me on Twitter spaces here.
Finally, if you're interested in supporting my work, I have started a Patreon. I am not paywalling content, just using it as a central place to list what I’ve been working on.
I hope you are well. I would love to hear from you; you can respond to this email!
All best,