I need your help. I am not great at asking for it. This year I’ve devoted quite a bit of time to learning to ask for it. I still struggle with it, but I could use your help right now.
The background: I'm working on an article, which will become a chapter in a book that I'm writing, about how philosophy, history, and anthropology can be put to practical use for individuals and in small collectives. (You can read more here.) As part of writing this project, I’m planning to record podcasts and video lectures (hopefully with you!). But I’m also having trouble progressing on this without sufficient social interaction.
On top of my social dearth, I’m out of savings — just as I near the first public milestone.
Ways you can help
You can support me on Patreon, which will allow me to continue with this work. I’m now posting everything I do on Patreon, so it’s a good place to keep up with what I’m doing. This includes video lectures, podcasts, interviews, and original writing.
Attend or co-host my in-person and online events. If you’re in London, you could host a discussion at Through a Glass Darkly, which meets on Wednesdays in King’s Cross. Our loosely-held topic is currently “selfhood.” If you’re a member of the Interintellect, I’ll also happily co-host an event with you. I’ll announce further online events on this newsletter.
Watch the series of draft lectures I've put out. These should give some sense of what I’m thinking about. I would love feedback on whether any of this resonates. I feel the work is a little too nascent for criticism, though I will eventually invite that. Right now I’m looking to amplify and energise what I’m working on, not yet to defend it.
Collaborate with me. If you like what I’m putting out, it would be great to record the voice or video conversations to be released as podcasts, so please consider scheduling one with me.
I’m applying for grants
To support the writing project, I’m also applying for funding. I applied for Ben Yeoh's Then Do Better grant, and I'm thrilled to announce that he awarded me the grant of £1,000. With the exception of Interintellect salons and early fans on Patreon, this is the first money I've ever received to do something that I felt intrinsically motivated to do. Otherwise I have no income.
If you know of any grants or sources of funding that might fit what I’m doing, please let me know.
Thank you
Thanks for reading, and I look forward to hearing from you. I’m feeling very nervous about sending this email, so I’m sorry if I have struck the wrong chord! I would love to hear from you regardless.